Cover Crop Is In

Posted: 28/08/2024

The cover crop is in at @suffolk_rural_farm.

They said: "Hopefully the wet weather due will kickstart germination and the crop will start growing.

The cover crop selected will provide a cheaper feed for the sheep in the winter months before lambing, in turn reducing the costs associated with keeping them inside. Some other benefits the cover crop will provide include reduced compaction on the field as some plants will have a tap root, nitrogen fixation, reduced soil erosion, increase earthworms and microorganisms activity and increase soil organic matter. The cover crop was broadcasted onto the soil and then Cambridge rolled twice to increase the soil to seed contact, required for good germination.

Plants included in this cover crop:
Clover, vetch, rye, radish, oilseed rape, turnips, phacelia."
Thanks for sharing