Sam’s given presentations to two very different groups over the past couple of weeks.
The first was to Portus and Whitton, Landscape Architects in Cirencester, where Sam described the possibilities and options for the creation of wildflower meadows and environmental schemes in private gardens, farmland, commercial and residential areas. As well as detailing the best way to establish these, he looked into management after establishment.
The second presentation, at the George Hotel, Stamford, Lincolnshire, was delivered to Indigro, an agricultural consultancy based around a team of independent agronomists. Sam was invited to talk about improving soil health and the role that soil improving plants can play in improving soil fertility, through cover crops and longer term fertility building leys.
Cotswold Seeds’ season of winter talks is drawing to a close now, but if you’d like Sam, Ian or Paul to come to talk to your organisation or group, please contact us to discuss on 01608 652552.
Date Posted: 6th February 2017