We’ve always seen part of our role at Cotswold Seeds as an information bridge between scientists and farmers, so we’re delighted to be taking part in the Soil Association's National Soil Symposium next week on Tuesday 25 November in Solihull billed as a practical event for farmers and growers, organic or non-organic, to share their knowledge and experience of soil management techniques.
Our MD Ian Wilkinson will be speaking during the afternoon session, ‘Spotlight on Green Manures’, which will highlight some of the latest research on green manures incorporating the Duchy Originals Future Farming Programme field lab trials. Ian’s presentation, entitled ‘Under Cover Crops’, will demonstrate the need to look beyond the obvious and visible top growth that most growers look at when assessing green manures, to see what’s happening in terms of ‘underground farming’ in the soil.
It’s a subject we feel passionately about, having always believed in pioneering farmer and father of the herbal ley, Frank Newman Turner’s philosophy in ‘health from the soil up’. In fact he is the subject of an article I’ve written for the current issue of ‘Sheep Breeder’ Magazine. Meanwhile the sister publication, ‘Breeding Preview’ features a piece by our Technical Advisor, Sam Lane, focusing on another species that benefits both stock and soil, the perennial forage legume Sainfoin’.
Browse our seed info section to discover a rich source of information covering grass leys and grazing, video case studies and articles about sainfoin, lucerne and soil health to mention just a few.
Look out for our next articles in Sheep Breeder in the coming months.
Date Posted: 24th November 2014