Should lawns be cut during the winter?

Posted: 10th January 2014

As grass growth usually slows right down during the cold winter months there is no need to cut the grass on lawns and verges. However, during mild spells - such as the one much of the country is going through now - it can continue to grow. As the weather changes between mild spells and cold snaps ...

Changes to Organic Seed Mixtures

Posted: 10th January 2014

In order to comply with the latest organic guidelines in the UK, our mixtures are updated to increase organic content from 65%, to 70% of the total mixture. You can also request a new 2014 ...

Controlling Laminitis during the winter

Posted: 10th January 2014

Cold frosty sunny mornings can put susceptible horses, ponies and donkeys at risk of laminitis. These conditions create activity in grass which is thought to trigger the dangerous condition. Areas of stressed grass can also be a threat at this time of year. On cold, bright mornings it is best to ...
Right across the UK, autumn sowings of stubble turnips and forage rape are now being grazed, fulfilling their valuable role in providing sheep and cattle with valuable winter feed. We estimate that around 100,000 acres are sown annually, either as straights or as ...

Protecting your soil over the winter

Posted: 10th January 2014

It is at this time of year that soil-covering ‘green manure’ crops planted post-harvest really prove their worth. Their main purpose is to prevent nutrients - especially nitrogen -  leaching out of the soil, storing them for subsequent crops to utilise. Many species can be used ...

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