Cotswold Seeds is currently undergoing an expansion project to its warehousing and processing facility in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire. The new facility will triple the mixing capacity, and will include the installation of more efficient technology to better process grass seed mixtures. It ...
This valuable short term catch crop can be sown until the end of August. Stubble turnips and rape grow very quickly so from a planting then, you could be on grazing in the middle of November, providing excellent winter keep. The seed can be drilled into stubble, a good dose of slurry or ...

Autumn grass seed sowing begins

Posted: 31st July 2012

August is one of the most popular months for sowing grass seed. With the arable harvest underway many farmers make the most of available soil moisture by planting forage leys. Grass and clover seed germination is very fast at this time of year and there are reports of seedling emergence in ...
As well as researcher training, the kick-off meeting for the LegumePlus project has served as an initial administration meeting to lay out plans for the coming 4 years.  All researchers and project leaders have been introduced and have presented their research plans in their chosen ...

Fast and vast, yes most definitely.

Posted: 11th July 2012

This ley mixture was sown 3rd April in Farnham,  East Suffolk for Joe Warne. A Simtech Aitchison drill was used.  It was sown with oats at 85kgs/ha but a lot were taken by rooks during the slow growth period at the time. The ley, Fast and Vast, is a seed mix of ...

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