Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) wildflower
Ref: trefoil
Bird’s foot trefoil is a member of the pea family and has vibrant yellow flowers and br>orangey/red buds, reaching up to 30 cm in height. Bird’s foot trefoil is rich in nectar and br>supports 132 different species of insect as well as bees and butterflies! This wildflower has br>attracted over 70 seemingly unrelated folk names, one common nickname being eggs and br>bacon due to its colouring.

Wild Flower
Birdsfoot Trefoil Wildflower
This is a common plant from the legume family, often found on drier soils, does not like the more acidic soils. Birdsfoot trefoil supports 132 different species of insect but is mainly pollinated by bees. Due to its red and yellow flowers it's sometimes called the 'eggs & bacon' plant.