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Humus Builder 2-4 Yr 70% ORGANIC


This mix utilises species with very strong tap roots for huge improvements to soil structure and organic matter levels. Ideal on light or dry land, the deep roots in this mix take a little longer to establish, but are well worth the benefit. Use this mix instead of 'Fertility Builder' when you have time to grow a 2-4 year green manure - the benefits will be greater.Utilising very strong tap root species for massive improvements to soil structure and humus build up. Provided that this mixture is left in the ground for at least two years it adds more organic matter to the soil than the ryegrass-based type. Cocksfoot is significantly deeper rooting than ryegrass and will keep growing well during dry seasons. This may mean more topping but remember the principle role of a green manure is to add as much organic matter as possible. Sow by mid September.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Contents per Acre%kg
certified KRYNIA ORGANIC red clover30.02.250
certified MILVUS red clover23.31.750
certifed PUNA / ENDURE chicory blend6.70.500
certified LIDACTA ORGANIC cocksfoot40.03.000

£84.08 / Acre

Sowing rate: 7.5kg/acre (18.8kg/ha)

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Chicory is an eye catching, mineral rich forage herb that has a long taproot capable of penetrating to great depth, breaking through plough pans and leaving the soil aerated, aiding drainage and crop root development. It’s frequently used in combination with other species as a soil improving species and is commonly used as an addition to grazing leys due to its high protein content and its ability to fatten lambs. It is also a known anthelmintic species.

Chicory Species Guide  Buy Chicory Straight



A densely tufted, bluish green species, it can grow up to 1 metre in height and can create tussocks. The dense one sided panicle is said to resemble the shape of a cocks foot.

Cocksfoot Species Guide  Buy Cocksfoot Straight


Red Clover

Red clover is one of the most popularly used true clovers in the UK. Once established it’s capable of rapid growth and shows reasonably good persistence up to three years, although ongoing breeding work is being carried out to increase plant persistence. The highest yielding strains of red clover are called 'double cut' varieties, normally providing quick regrowth after cutting and several flushes or cuts per season. The 'single cut' strains of red clover, notably the variety altaswede provide one large cut per season, flowering approximately 2-3 weeks later than the 'double cut' strains.

Red Clover Species Guide  Buy Red Clover Straight

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