Temperature, day length and the amount of sunlight all have a direct influence on how much early growth you can expect from grass leys. Species choice is also vital with early growing ryegrasses such as the hybrid and Italian types good for spring growth, as is cocksfoot. But the best for early ...
It has been announced that a new 4.1 million euro research project into forage legumes has been given the green light by the EU.  The project, 'LegumePlus', is a continuation of the EU 'Healthy Hay' project which re-evaluated the role for sainfoin, a fascinating - and underused - ...

Grazing Lucerne in Autumn with Sheep

Posted: 12th October 2011

Although lucerne is mainly used as a crop to produce hay or silage, it may in some cases be grazed in the autumn with sheep or cows. Sheep in Oxfordshire (pictured here) are being strip grazed on luxuriant growth provided by good growing conditions. It is generally advisable to allow a rest period ...
If looking for a forage crop to establish late in the year, after maize for example, then the choice of species is crucial.  Late sowing can be difficult for non-aggressive options, including clovers. Aggressive, fast establishing grasses are best as they will get away well before winter sets ...
Farmers about to harvest whole crop silage can consider drilling lucerne at this time of year. With whole crop being clamped this month there is a window of opportunity for lucerne establishment. This high protein (20%) crop if planted in July will yield well for silage next May while ...

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