A mixture of information, news & case studies
Lucerne often appears to be heading for a revival, then along comes a wet summer and there is not much interest. It has been grown for more than two hundred years and is a major ...
As a dairy farmer, Donald, was sure seeding would be better and cheaper than ...
Whilst the Armstrongs can’t put their success entirely down to the turf beneath the feet of great horses, Emma firmly believes that balanced grazing produces healthy ...
A high yielding, tough mixture which gives excellent hay and haylege and is expected to provide grazing for up to five ...
Flexibility goes hand-in-hand with farming, as Ralph Messenger proved when his plan to switch to a paddock grazing system was hampered by the wet ...
Mr. Cornwallis of Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire describes using a complex seed mixture to satisfy his Agri-Environmental Scheme O...
Mr Joynson took over Hyam Farm in Malmesbury back in 1987. He only started using Cotswold Seeds Herbal Leys four years ago but has been delighted with the results. The farm, ...
When you farm at 1000ft. on dry Cotswold Brash the great view doesn’t always compensate for the lack of grass. Russell Keepence knows this only too well, with an ...
This wildlife friendly farm has adopted a very long term approach to its soils. Caroline Corsie, a trained agronomist, is the manager and believes that farming starts from the ...
Dagan James is an organic farmer who mob-grazes Water Buffalo on his special herbal ley. Complex seed mixes have been grown on this farm in Stockbridge since 2004, ...
One of the UK's largest salad and vegetable growing companies use green manures to improve soils and boost ...
Jonathan Boaz started experimenting with green manures as a way to ‘to get something very beneficial out of a disaster,’ as he phrases, it. The disaster he refers to was the ...
John Rogers from Hereford describes his use of vetches sown alongside various cereals to produce a high quality, high yielding cutting ...
Chris Burdett from Kirtlington Stud has bred world champions and derby winners on his Permanent Horse Pasture and has been using this mixture since 2005 with great success. ...
Mr. Cornwallis, a mixed farmer from Oxfordshire, describes his sytem for using a Cotswold Seeds Herbal Ley as foggage. Mr. Cornwallis, was found by the Farm Business ...
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