A mixture of information, news & case studies
It seems that everyone’s talking about mob-grazing these days - a term used to describe a method of grazing and frequently moving livestock systematically around a field to ...
The second episode of the No Till Crimper Roller series follows on from week one where we established the crop was a little to under-developed to crimp yet. We continue to hunt ...
The No Till Crimper Roller is standard farm machinery in arable America but as far as we are aware our experiment at Honeydale Farm this weekend is among the first times that one ...
We have planned an eight year rotation at Honeydale. For the first four of these years, the land will be given over to leys, so our first job this spring with the ley (a ...
The Sainfoin Growers’ Guide is available to order or download. Following on from the EU-funded LegumePlus project, it outlines the many benefits of growing sainfoin and ...
Long Term Green Manures: Nothing improves soil more than adding organic matter to it. Soils with enough organic matter are easier to work and grow better crops. This is well ...
The 2015 ‘Year of Soil’ saw a renewed interest in green manures and fertility building species often known as green crops, and also renewed flexibility regarding ...
When the clocks go back, officially bringing British summertime to an end, you may think it’s too late to sow for forage for next year - but it’s not. You can ...
Areas of heavy equine usage such as gateways and grass tracks around paddocks are at their worst this time of year. Continuous hoof traffic – also known as poaching - causes ...
As grass growth usually slows right down during the cold winter months there is no need to cut the grass on lawns and verges. However, during mild spells - such as the one much of ...
With difficult seed bed conditions it is a good to remind sowers of small seeds of the need to obtain a FINE and FIRM seed bed prior to sowing. Robin Hill, chairman at Cotswold ...
Many people are thinking about sowing wild flower meadows at this time of year and a quick reminder of how best to do this might help. When should I sow?Wild flowers should be ...
Wild bird seed mixtures can be sown from May onwards. July is getting late for many species that are sown to provide winter food for farmland birds. For patching up failed sowings ...
After extreme weather we are always glad to finally see some sunshine and higher temperatures. Some farmers can be very behind compared to previous other ...
April is the ideal time to plant both long and short term green manure crops. The shorter term green manure crops such as mustard, sweet clover and red clover all ...
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